David Arnillas García Apps

My Orders
MyOrder Free allows you to manage the recurring orders for yourbusiness. The application allow you to: - Define the list of yoursuppliers. - Define the list of the category products of eachsupplier. - Define the list of the products of each category. -Hierarchy: + Supplier + Categories of products + Products + Order +User preferences - Define the orders, send them to your providersby mail, whatsapp or call to the provider. The orders can beexported to PDF format. - Backup of your data in an easy xml formatto be edited if you need to import massive data into yourapplication. - Set the user preferences: + Your business data. +Date format. + Number of the last orders to show in the main menu.+ Select the currency. + Set the font size to adjust the content toyour screen resolution. - Available languages: English and SpanishTutorial available:https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgnk81ambddz4sg/MyOrdersPro_Tutorial_EN.docx?dl=0
My Orders Pro
David Arnillas García
MyOrder Pro allows you to manage the recurring orders for yourbusiness. The application allow you to: - Define the list of yoursuppliers. - Define the list of the category products of eachsupplier. - Define the list of the products of each category. -Hierarchy: + Supplier + Categories of products + Products + Order +User preferences - Define the orders, send them to your providersby mail, whatsapp or call to the provider. The orders can beexported to PDF format. - Make reports of your orders selected thedate range: + Report of your orders. + Report by provider. + Reportby category products. - The reports can be exported to pdf. - Setnotifications to remind you when you have to send the orders toyour providers. - Backup of your data in an easy xml format to beedited if you need to import massive data into your application. -Set the user preferences: + Your business data. + Date format. +Number of the last orders to show in the main menu. + Select thecurrency. + Set the font size to adjust the content to your screenresolution. - Available languages: English and Spanish. Tutorialavailable:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G75g5dPbVbWxYjJ_X5f97SMs1XMf_Njn/view?usp=sharing